Saturday, September 11, 2010

Weevils Tip Sheet


The rice weevil and granary weevil are pests of stored grain and seeds. They develop inside whole grain kernels as small, white, wrinkled, grub-like larvae. There is generally no external evidence that the larvae have been eating and growing inside the seed until after about one month when the adult weevil chews through the seed coat and emerges. The adult weevils are 1/8th inch long and have slender, hard-shelled bodies that appear pitted or scarred with tiny holes. They are brown to reddish brown in color. The rice weevil has four faint yellowish spots on the back of the abdomen. The granary weevil is uniformly colored with no spots.

Presence of rice or granary weevils inside the home usually indicates there is infested whole grain or seeds. This may be food seeds or beans in the cupboards, popcorn, saved garden seeds, dried seed decorations, decorative Indian corn, "bean bags," old grain-based mouse bait, or other stored seeds. The best course of eradication is inspection of the above mentioned areas. If activity is located remove the infested package immediately. Chemical treatments are not necessary as once the source is removed the problem will be solved. However, it may also be necessary to vacuum the area, and if desired apply a topical solution of pesticide to assist with long term control.

Rice and granary weevils are harmless to people, houses, furniture, clothing and pets. They cannot bite or sting and they do not carry diseases. They will not feed on furniture, the house structure or other items. The harm they do is destruction of the seeds they infest and the annoyance of being in the wrong place.

Del Lawson the author of this article can be reached at

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Modern Pest control has provided pest control in Katy, Sugar Land, Pear Land, Richmond, Missouri City, Rosenberg, Stafford, Houston and the surrounding areas for over 50 years.

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